Peaky Blinders, a gritty crime drama set in Birmingham, shows a wide range of crimes and misbehaviors, but modern eyes can still be shocked by the way the gangsters casually toss their cigarette butts on the ground. In 21st century America, that’s not acceptable behavior. Our societal rejection of the habit has had some positive... […]
Political intrigues aside, little changed for humankind for most of our existence as a species. For millennia, life expectancy at birth hovered around 25 years (mostly due to infant and childhood mortality) and virtually everyone faced a life of abject poverty. Civilizations were born and briefly flourished, only to be overwhelmed, torn asunder and replaced... […]
The Paris Games have enthralled the world in opulence, pageantry, elegance, fashion and joie de vie as only the French can do. The quadrennial celebration of human excellence has managed to momentarily push aside the turmoils that daily pester human existence. One of the brightest moments—especially in the U.S.—has been the quest of the U.S.... […]